
Roguelike Line of Sight by Eric Lippert

Isn't it wonderful when two passions get intertwined in ways you never expected? The passions in question are Roguelikes and the C# programming language, joined in the person of Eric Lippert.

In this week's post Eric has tackled the problem of developing a line of sight algorithm for roguelike games, which he'll apparently follow with an implementation. An interesting read for programmers and players alike, which saved me the time required to read through the forums myself =) And don't worry, the technical details are not enough to blow anyone's brains*.

For those not in the know, Roguelikes are top-down view computer role games of unusual graphical simplicity (environments, objects and characters are usually depicted using ASCII symbols) and extremely complex worlds. The genre's identifying marks are random generated dungeons, permanent character deaths (the save file is deleted if the character dies) and cumbersome controls. You should check ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Magic) or NetHack, if you haven't already.

And Eric Lippert is a respected member of the .NET community, having worked on the compilers of Visual Basic and C#, and lately leading the development of Roslyn, an on the fly VB.NET and C# compiler and analyzer.

* Disclaimer: No guarantees regarding the rest of the blog. Tread with caution.

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